Gomen (Ethiopian Collard Greens), served with shiro over injera

Gomen (Collard Greens)

INGREDIENTS 2 lbs collard greens chopped2 yellow onions, minced1/4 cup oil2 roma or beefsteak tomatoes, diced1/2 cup garlic minced2 jalapeños sliced (optional)2 cup of water1 teaspoon Tikur Azmud, ground1 teaspoon Korerima, groundSea Salt to taste   PREPARATION Wash collard greens thoroughly. Discard the stem and chop the collard greens. Flush with hot...


2 lbs collard greens chopped
2 yellow onions, minced
1/4 cup oil
2 roma or beefsteak tomatoes, diced
1/2 cup garlic minced
2 jalapeños sliced (optional)
2 cup of water
1 teaspoon Tikur Azmud, ground
1 teaspoon Korerima, ground
Sea Salt to taste



Wash collard greens thoroughly. Discard the stem and chop the collard greens. Flush with hot water and strain.

Mince onions, tomato, and garlic


  1. On high heat, sauté onions with the tomatoes and oil for about 5 minutes, until the onions are translucent and the tomatoes begin to break down. 
  2. Add the garlic and cook for 3 minutes, cover and reduce the heat to moderate.
  3. Add the chopped collard greens, 2 cups of hot water and cook, covered, for 15 minutes or until the collard greens are tender. Add water as needed to prevent burning.
  4. Add sliced jalapeño, Tikur Azmud, and Korerima, then salt to taste.

Remove from heat and serve hot.

Serves: 4-6 | Prep Time: 5-7 minutes | Cooking Time: 25 minutes

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Gomen (Collard Greens)

INGREDIENTS 2 lbs collard greens chopped2 yellow onions, minced1/4 cup oil2 roma or beefsteak tom...